Christadelphian Aged Care


SCG was engaged to undertake an Enterprise Wide Security Risk Assessment for Christadelphian Aged Care, who operate over 10 aged care and assisted living facilities throughout NSW and Queensland.

Due to recent acquisitions and changes in their operating model, Christadelphian initially identified the need to consolidate the existing security systems to common platform(s) by leveraging off current IT trends and standards (i.e. cloud based infrastructure) and as a consequence implement a security standard to all current and future facilities.

SCG subsequently recommended that a Security Risk Assessment was required to further understand the actual risks associated with the Christadelphian’s property portfolio and in turn better inform the requirements for any subsequent site/systems reviews or design works, with the key aims to:

  • Identify and assess the security risks to which Christadelphian is exposed,
  • Evaluate the efficacy of the current security systems,
  • Advise on any improvements of the security arrangements due to the current threat profile.

The outcomes of the SRA would inform Christadelphian of their current security risk profile, as well as providing the strategic basis for future security standardisation and systems replacement or consolidation.

Blacktown Mt Druitt Hospital


The Blacktown Mt. Druitt Hospital Redevelopment is a major expansion of existing health services and facilities in Western Sydney.

The project included provision of a new 7-storey Clinical Services Building, 20 bed Sub-Acute Mental Health facility & multi-storey car park and refurbished Engineering Services, Mortuary, CSSD and Kitchen area to the Blacktown campus as well as new Urgent Care Centre, Aged Care & Rehabilitation, Dental, Main Entry and CSSD facilities to the Mt. Druitt campus.

SCG team members delivered security design and construction services including:

  • Security Design and Functional Briefs
  • Concept, Schematic and Detailed Designs
  • Tender Documentation
  • Construction Supervision Services

Key Challenges and Solutions included:

  • Project planning and procurement & construction staging to minimise disruption to hospital operations throughout construction
  • Design and delivery across multiple projects and multiple contractors across both facilities
  • Consolidation of multiple Security Management, Access Control and Intruder Alarm Systems into a single system common to both campuses and the wider Local Heath District (LHD)
  • Migration of all existing security systems and technologies, including CCTV, to utilise the LHD wide area network (WAN)
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