Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)


SCG team members undertook a review and audit of operational security systems at the MCG.

The outcomes of this work provided an improved understanding of the security and operational requirements for the MCG.

It also assisted the MCC by providing strategic and security planning initiatives to prioritise any future security upgrades and improvements, such as consolidating various keying systems, improving site entry locations, controls and management.

Key objectives of the consultancy included the identification and development of a ‘Road Map’ for the upgrade and integration of the MCG security infrastructure and operations in order to:

  • Meet the requirements of a world class stadium (set the benchmark)
  • Provide security commensurate with real security risks/threats
  • Provide an integrated, flexible, scalable and efficient security system, and
  • Provide a staged management and implementation plan that prioritises and develops procurement and cost options.

Singapore Management University


Singapore Management University’s SGD$500 million New City Campus occupies several city blocks in central Singapore and includes interfaces to two MRT rail stations at the underground concourse level, which traverses the entire facility.

The challenge was to maintain free and open access to the teaching facilities within a detailed security management plan, yet provide a secure facility within an open city environment.

SCG team members contributed to the preparation of the security risk assessment and security concept planning in addition to the security design, documentation, construction supervision, acceptance testing and maintenance planning of the security systems.

SCG team members also contributed to the security management plan under which Singapore Management University operate the campus. This documented the relationship agreed during the concept phase between the security management responsibilities of Singapore Management University, with the physical infrastructure and technical systems delivered during the project.

Macquarie University


Macquarie University (MU) had undertaken a review of their current CCTV infrastructure design, with the view to implement new infrastructure to initially accommodate 600 IP cameras with expansion capability to 1200 cameras in the next 5 years.

The CCTV infrastructure was designed to provide full redundancy to both the operational system and recording via housing the systems in both the on-campus Data Centre and within an external Data Centre. Members of SCG’s team were engaged by Macquarie University to review the University’s initial briefing document, taking into account computer (servers), storage and networking requirements, to undertake market research based on the requirements and develop a number of options and recommendations that would meet the University’s needs. The options were presented to MU for their review and selection of a preferred option.

From there, SCG team members produced a High Level design document, fully detailing the computing, storage and networking requirements of the selected option, with the view of issuing the storage section to market for tender.

SCG team members were subsequently engaged by MU to undertake the design and documentation of a Proof of Concept (PoC) of the selected option, to validate both the technical and operational requirements and to also bench test further options in relation to network transmission and storage strategies.

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